What if You Were Right?
Nov 20, 2024
I started therapy all wrong.
By which I mean, I was all wrong.
Everything about me was broken, my world made no sense, and something in me desperately needed to be fixed.
Because everyone else seemed to have it all figured out, so it was me, right? The problem just had to be me.
I tried everything.
Because I would have done anything to get it right.
To feel right inside.
If you listen to this podcast that I did almost 5 years ago, you’ll hear how I got started with hypnotherapy and how it changed my worldview and way of being.
It was the saving grace I didn’t know was possible for me at the time.
Discovering in my very first session that there was nothing wrong with me.
I was RIGHT.
My brain was amazing. My mind was protecting me. My body had answers all along.
I wasn’t broken.
The joy in finally recognizing the underlying beliefs informing my life, albeit subconsciously,
The realization that all of my struggles were an outgrowth of certain beliefs I had unknowingly adopted in childhood,
And the freedom to finally let it go.
The shock and amazement when my symptoms began to disappear,
The laugher and ease that was finally available to me,
And the passion and purpose I found in wanting to bring more of this modality to the world.
I spend very little time advertising my hypnotherapy training. It’s a limited and intimate cohort that’s only open to men and women who have met the prerequisite of Vessel.
It’s a calling that you either know you’re ready for; or aren’t.
But I still want you all to know that hypnotherapy exists.
Because I’m a fan of people finding relief, experiencing results, and giving them the opportunity to try new modalities that just might be the missing key.
The graduating cohort of 2023 are doing amazing work. I cannot be prouder of my students.
Take a listen to the meditation my student (now colleague!) Devoiry released just a few days ago:
And this isn't even scratching the surface of what my graduates are accomplishing in the world!
At our last training, there was this profound moment where we all burst into the laughter of recognition. Where we had this intense knowing that we were all meant to be together in the training space, and that in fact, we may have even shared similar spaces before. Maybe in more than just one lifetime.
It was an indescribable feeling of rightness.
So far from the pervasive feeling of “being wrong” I carried for so much of my years.
The relief and joy in the room was palpable. It was a gift.
The gift of being able to trust in the absolute rightness of the soul's journey.
Of the inner compass we each carry that keeps realigning us to our highest values and possibilities.
And so I don’t spend too much time promoting this training.
Because if you know, you know.
If you desire to bring your gifts into the world and sense that this cohort might be the one for you, click on the flyer below.
There are only a few seats left and we start December 15.
* And for those of you patiently waiting for our newest season of Ignite... It's coming really soon. Registration will only be open for a few days, so you'll want to look out for those emails next month and register!
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Life happens in little bits. Learn to love the little bytes.